Comprehensive collection of academic resources for RVCE

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Computer Science, Information Science , AIML Engineering

Study materials for Computer Science, Information Science, and AI/ML covering various subjects across programming, computer systems, and artificial intelligence. Doing this course you will be exactly like the main character of social network movie.!!!

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Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Study materials for Electrical and Electronics Engineering covering various subjects including power systems, electronics, control systems, and renewable energy. After this Course you can explain how Induction motor starts!

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Aerospace Engineering

Study materials for Aerospace Engineering covering various subjects including aerodynamics, propulsion, flight dynamics, and aerospace structures.Probably you can build a fighter jet after this course but not like sukhoi

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Mechanical Engineering

Explore study materials for Mechanical Engineering, including mechanics of materials, thermal engineering, machine design, and advanced manufacturing processes. Add a tag on your social media as royal mech!!!!

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Industrial Engineering and Management

Explore study materials for Industrial Engineering and Management, including operations research, quality assurance, supply chain management, and product development.After this course you can be the next ENO Musk

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Global Engineering Subjects

Common subjects for all engineering disciplines, including HSS and global subjects. Free CGPA and SGPA courses

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Electronics and Communication Engineering

Study materials for Electronics and Communication Engineering covering digital systems, communication, embedded systems, and microelectronics. This Course is like EEE but different but still same

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Chemical Engineering

Study materials for Chemical Engineering covering process engineering, thermodynamics, mass transfer, and reaction engineering. You can do real breaking bad things yo! after this course

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Civil Engineering

Comprehensive study materials for Civil Engineering, covering structural analysis, construction technology, geotechnical engineering, and infrastructure design.Have you ever considered calculating stress in life for real?

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Biotechnology Engineering

Comprehensive study theorys for Biotechnology Engineering, covering genetic engineering, microbial biotechnology, bioinformatics, and downstream processing.

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Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Comprehensive study theorys for Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

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Useful links for various academic and non-academic .

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Previous Year Question Papers

Dear user,You can access through this RVCE link: PYQP within RVCE premises using college IP address, old semester examination question papers of both UG (RVCE autonomous) and PG (VTU) papers by giving appropriate keyword search. This can be accessed in any department & any system through college IP address ONLY so you gotta be connected to College WiFi.Note: Some of the subjects old question papers (both UG & PG) may not have been uploaded.If you are UNABLE to open the link, please follow the following procedure:Log on to on Library on the side of the web page Click on Dspace@rvce. We can also access Pyqp from Drives linked within the following cards

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Year 1

Ground Zero of RVCE Lol

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Maths Notes XD

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ALL Dept Drive Access

All Notes XD

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